Everyone seems to be making podcasts now, especially in the light of the Covid-19 pandemic, so I thought I’d start one and see what interest I’d get in it. I’m calling it ‘Talking History, with Phillipa Vincent-Connolly’, because the idea is for my guest speakers to choose the history topic they would like to discuss. So, anything from ancient history to the 80s Blitz Kids, politics, Tudors, music or fashion, I don’t mind what I get to talk to my guests about, as long as its in a historical context.
I thought this would be a good idea because not only does it mean that my listeners might learn something new, but I would too. With this idea in mind, I put my feelers out across social media, and have had some wonderful responses back. I have some incredible guests lined up. Historians, musicians, activists, D-Js and all sorts of interesting people from all walks of life. I want the podcasts to focus on all periods of history which will allow me to introduce an infinite number of guests over a period of time.
I am hoping to make it a patron led podcast so that patrons can win history-related items and content when they subscribe to the podcast. This will be a new field of broadcasting for me, so I will be learning as I go along. As each podcast is published, I will post them on my website, and also on my social media pages, for you to enjoy.